Mint is such a powerful flavoring
that doesn’t use it for very several things; but when you need it, everyone is
glad to have some around. We stuff large handfuls into jugs of iced tea before
it’s iced, so the tea will absorb more flavors and sprinkle small snipping’s of
it into cold mixed fruit or in homemade ice cream, sherbet and ices. It is said
to be an excellent for settling the stomach. Mint is a very hardy vigorous
perennial that grows one to three feet tall depending on the species and
conditions. Most species of mint have crinkly leaves, an upright growth habit
and attractive purplish flowers. Spearmint (Mentha Spicata) has the strongest
flavor. Moreover other popular garden mints include peppermint (M.Piperita),
with dark, pointed leaves, and apple mint (M. Rotundifolia), which leaves are
rounded, gray, green and somewhat hairy. The last is more compact and best for
indoor growing. Most mints grown as herbs are hybrid varieties that do not breed
true to seed. There are several other good hybrid mints that you can explore.

Well, to grow mint, you have to
some mint around is never a problem; having just a little mint is harder. If
you do not restrain the plant in some way, your herb garden will simply be a
mint garden. Gardeners devise their own schemes, the more successful of which
will involve a barrier not only around the mint, but under it generally a stout
container such as a bucket, with some holes for drainage. Mint roots will
eventually snake themselves over the top and through the holes, but you can buy
yourself a lot of time this way.
Moreover, mint will grow well in
full sun but prefers partial shade and a rich, moist soil. Pinching back the
stems and snipping off flowers as they form will make the plants bushier. Even
if cut right to the ground, it will regrow. Mint may be easily propagated to
increase your supply. Just dig up a plant with runners attached, cutting the
stems back, or root a runner or stem in moist sand. Before bringing a pot of
mint indoors, cut it back and keep it outdoors for a few weeks of freezing
nights. Moreover snip as required, and to dry keep the leaves on the stems
until they are dry, crumble them off and dry them some more; then store in
airtight jars. The leaves may also be frozen.